Survey services
Hi everyone! To day you we can talk about , How social networks can help you to learning English.
Nowadays we are asked about everything, different questionnaire, polls and so on. So the Internt suggest us a lot of sources that will make our life easier. Lets start from the worst to the greatest ones.
With the MyTestXPro program, it is possible to organize and conduct testing, exams in any educational institutions (universities, colleges, schools) both with the aim of revealing the level of knowledge in any educational subjects, as well as for educational purposes.
This program is too easy to use and most students and teachers do not use it, because now they are releasing newer, more convenient and easy-to-use programs. The program, in my opinion, is outdated, testing in it is too slow and the material is not absorbed.
The second network is TWITTER.
I think using Twitter as a survey or questionnaire is appropriate. After all, this program is widely used among young people and they will be happy to take part in various surveys, questionnaires, etc.
Twitter is a social network where people express their thoughts, ideas and what they plan to do next. Using Twitter for educational purposes is not very appropriate, Twitter is still a network where people communicate among themselves on different topics, and not for educational purposes.

3. Socrative
It is a very good source for studing nd questionaries. We used it a lot of times during our classes. This app has a lot of opportunities and tools not just simple "pick-the-right-answer" option.
Maybe it is not the best one but exactly the most popular one. Everyone hears about it, uses it or sees it. You may plan your next camping trip, manage event registrations, whip up a quick poll, collect email addresses for a newsletter, create a pop quiz, and much more. Plan your next camping trip, manage event registrations, whip up a quick poll, collect email addresses for a newsletter, create a pop quiz, and much more.
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